Sunday, August 5, 2012


It's funny when people post personal ideas and thoughts onto the internet and are surprised that people actually read it.  I mean, in some sense you do want people to see it.  Especially if it is online.  I mean, it is available to everyone unless it's private or "hidden." 

I haven't been blogging or writing or doing much these days.  It's kinda a waste to do absolutely nothing.

I've been off of work for almost a week now.  I was initially supposed to go the the bay for a week but plans got a little lame so the trip ended up not happening.  So I ended up just having a shit load of days off with not a lot planned to fill in the gap.  It was pretty upsetting cause I really wanted to see the bay kids, but I know now to plan things out better.  Or better yet just plan a trip by myself so I don't have to deal with confirmation from others.  Well, on a more positive outlook, at least I got away from work for a bit?  I actually KINDA miss it though.  I'm used to paper chasing.

SO.  S & J have found themselves in a weird sort of yolo relationship this summer.  It's interesting and I'm all for it except for a few crucial factors that are in the way.  But I'll let them continue to do this summer loving...

The Mister and I have been doing okay.  A bit shaky at times due to my impaired judgement, but we're working things through.  I wish I was able to see him more often, but it's okay.  I live.

At the moment I'm feeling kinda alone and bored with everything.  It's definitely been a lazy ass Sunday.  I've pretty much been home all day watching Parks & Recreation.  Nothing too fancy goin on this Sunday.  I kinda just wanna go out though.  Get some fresh air or something.

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