Monday, April 23, 2012

My Body is a Bomb

Today is my boyfriend's 23rd birthday!  So wishing him a very happy birthday.  Unfortunately I didn't get to see him today, but luckily I did get him for the whole weekend and we celebrated his birthday together yesterday.

This Monday has been a pretty uneventful one.  I pretty much caged myself in my room the entire day.  After Nate left early this morning I couldn't get to sleep so I pretty much stayed up from 5am till now.  I mean I did end up passing out for a few hours sometime between finishing up Skins and watching YouTube tutorials.  But that's pretty much been my day.  Hiding in my room watching TV shows and eating.

I attempted to get out of the house for a bit when my bff texted me.  But by the time I actually showered and got ready we had to reschedule cause she forgot about previous plans she made in advance.  So now I'm here.  Lonely as hell and drinking some wine.  I mean, I know there's something that I could be doing that's more productive than this... but I kind of really just want to be out of the house.  Luckily I have work tomorrow night.  That'll keep me busy for a while.

On a lighter note.  This weekend was pretty entertaining.  Long story short: chilled in Cerritos for a day, back in SD and watched the UFC fight, double dated with my sister and her boyfriend for brunch on Sunday, and Nate and I roamed Earth Day drunk.

I'm pretty much over today.

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